Thursday, January 8, 2009

6Lbs of Marijuana More on the Drug Bust

The Alcorn County Sheriff's Office released more details Wednesday regarding the New Year's Eve drug bust in which local law enforcement seized marijuana, cash and arrested two Baldwyn men.
Alcorn County Deputies seized six pounds of marijuana -- twice the amount originally reported by Prentiss County officials -- over $1,700 cash, and a 1990 GMC pick-up truck, according to the updated report. Officials also arrested Cartavia Cancaez Barnes, 23, and Fulton O'Brian Pierce, 25, both of Baldwyn.
The two men were charged with possession of a controlled substance. Justice Court Judge Steve Little set bonds for both at $50,000 cash. The Mississippi Department of Corrections placed a hold on Barnes, according to the report.
Alcorn County Sheriff Charles Rinehart said the investigation came about with newly purchased cell phone monitoring equipment.
"This will be a great tool to use to fight the war on drugs," said Rinehart. Alcorn County Narcotics Investigators Darrell Hopkins and Reggie Anderson led the investigation, along with the Alcorn County Sheriff's Office. Local officials contacted the Prentiss County Sheriff's Department with information they had gained. This information reportedly helped Prentiss County and Baldwyn law enforcement officials obtain a search warrant that led to the discovery of approximately 13 additional pounds of marijuana and another arrest.
Alcorn County officials who helped in the investigation where M. Sexton, J. Mayhall, D. Derrick, G. Walker, D. Smith, D. Harrison, S. Brown, S. Dalton, M. Billingsley, S. Crowe, J. Mills, Corinth Police Officers Fred Gooch and Pete Smith, and the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics.
"I just want to take this time to thank my Narcotics Investigators for the great job they are doing in the fight on drugs in Alcorn County," said Sheriff Rinehart.
The case is still under investigation and, after speaking to both Pierce and Barnes, officials say more arrests are expected to be made.
In other, unrelated drug arrests, Investigator Anderson recently arrested and charged Valintino Perez, 41, with sale of a controlled substance (cocaine). Bond has not been set. Investigators Anderson and Hopkins also recently arrested Christopher Michael Mann, 22, with felony possession of marijuana. Hopkins is in charge of the case. A hold hasbeen reportedly placed on Mann by the Mississippi Department of Corrections.
The narcotics investigators ask that anyone with any information regarding drugs to call the Alcorn County Sheriff's Office at 662-286-5521.

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