Friday, December 5, 2008

Alcorn Sheriff's Office takes out meth labs

A four-month investigation into meth production in Alcorn County has led to the arrest of six people on charges of possessing the drug and intending to manufacture it.
Alcorn County Sheriff's Department Narcotics Investigator Reggie Anderson said the department served two search warrants at residences in the southeastern part of the county Wednesday.
Anderson said a lengthy investigation by he and Investigator Darrell Hopkins led them to obtain a search warrant from Justice Court Judge Steve Little for the two residences.
The first search was conducted at the 345 County Road 430 residence occupied by James Darren Huggins, 35, Johnny Allan Huggins, 36, Stephanie Evon Huggins, 36, and Michael Joe Staggs, 34. Evidence at the scene led to the arrest of all four subjects on charges of possession of methamphetamine and possession of two or more precursors with intent to manufacture methamphetamine.
A second warrant was executed at the 12 County Road 437 residence of Richard Paul Michael and Rhonda Jane Smith. Both were arrested and charged with possession of methamphetamine and possession of two or more precursors with intent to manufacture methamphetamine.
Two Chevrolet pickup trucks and four long guns were seized during the searches.
Anderson said the investigation began with tips from the community about possible drug activity. They also received information from a local drug store that some of the subjects involved had been purchasing psuedoephedrine pills, a key component of methamphetamine.
Investigators believe the lab operations at the two residences are related.
Anderson said he greatly appreciates the information from those in the community that helped them begin the investigation. He said all tips received are investigated thoroughly.
"Some tips we receive we can act on and make an arrest that day. We call that 'pure luck,' most cases take a long period of time to get the evidence you need to make a good clean prosecutable case. We encourage all to call that might know where drug activity is being conducted," he said.
Deputies Wooten, Sexton, Davis, Thomas, Martin, Crowe, Rider, Harrison, Smith, Derrick, Brown, Dalton, Holloway, Billingsley, Bullard and Lloyd assisted in the searches, along with Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics Agent Ben Caldwell and Alcorn County constables.

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